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LAD MEETING THIS WEDNESDAY: Longmont’s Gerrymandered Nightmare is OVER as we happily become part of CD2! With EXTRA SPECIAL GUEST, Longmont’s NEW United States Representative in Congress, JOE NEGUSE. Also joining us will be our fantastic Colorado legislative rockstars: State Representatives Tracey Bernett (HD12) and Judy Amabile (HD13), legislative aides from State Rep. Karen McCormick (HD11)’s office, and State Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis (SD17), who will tell us what bills they’re working on, and what issues they’ll be fighting for, when the Colorado legislative session starts in January. We’ll have a brief overview of all the programs LAD put on this year, a bit of business, and re-election of board members. If you like what LAD is doing, this annual event is a chance to renew your membership ($30 per person per year) or donate in support of our work to inform, engage and SAVE DEMOCRACY at the local level and beyond! If you can’t make the meeting, please consider a donation anyway, here. Any amount is GREATLY APPRECIATED — and helps us do the work we do — THANKS!

PLEASE JOIN US …and please tell a friend!: LADs Annual Holiday Celebration and Year End Wrap Up, THIS Wednesday, December 1, 6:30pm via zoom. We’ll send the link in the blast the day of the meeting or email us at

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