The Final PUSH!

4th CD Candidate for Congress VIC MEYERS, and SENATOR MARK UDALL in Longmont Saturday, November 1st, 11:30am, Coordinated Campaign office: (700 Ken Pratt Blvd, Ste 122a. Enter from Pratt Pkwy, then a quick left, north of Big Lots) Stop by to see Vic and Mark, ask questions, and SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!

HELP US MAKE SOME CALLS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 5-8pm: Make calls with other volunteers or pick up a call list at Pat Davis’ house, 1709 Harvard (Harvard and 17th Ave, NW corner)

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to distribute VOTE NOTES. This is where GOTV gets FUN — and it gets RESULTS: Help us drop vote reminder notes on the doors of folks who have not yet voted on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Nov. 1-3. Contact us at longmontareadems@gmail for more information.

DID YOU GET A VOTER GUIDE? If not, click the widgets to the right or here:
2014 BCDP Voter Guide
2014 BCDP Guía del Votante 

INSTEAD, JOIN US for an ELECTION NIGHT CELEBRATION, Tuesday, Nov. 4, 6:30pm–9:30pm, Red Zone, 6th and Main St., SE corner, Longmont. VIC MEYERS will be there with his family! Come watch the returns and celebrate all the hard work with fellow Dems.THANKS FOR ALL THAT YOU DO!

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