10/7/19 Editorial: Prop CC

From State Rep. Kerry Tipper (HD28 Jefferson County): “Several have shyly asked me if passing Prop CC means you won’t get tax refunds anymore. The answer is NO. You will still get your entire state income tax refund!

Prop CC deals solely with TABOR refunds, which I’ll call rebates to distinguish. A few things to understand about these rebates. First, we rarely get TABOR rebates. Second, if we do get them, they are usually added to our state income tax payment or refund. (see:
https://yesonpropcc.com/faq/ )

The last time we got TABOR rebates was in 2015, and they ranged between $13 and $41. For example, let’s say in 2015 you were due a $1000 tax refund from the state of Colorado. Because we were in a TABOR rebate year, the state would have added your TABOR rebate ($13-$41) to your state tax refund.

Prop CC is asking voters if they’re willing to forgo a TABOR rebate so the state can put that money (totaling $300-$400 million for 2020-2021) into education and transportation needs. It’s not raising taxes. It’s also not taking away your state tax refunds.

For more information, check out the the link to the FAQ’s I posted above, and, take a look at the Aurora Sentinel’s piece on Prop CC”: https://sentinelcolorado.com/opinion/endorsement-prop-cc-offers-equity-to-taxpayers-cheated-by-a-broken-tabor/?fbclid=IwAR12MKzf8k-akoEPLdj9qgTSlapWcnlzfxkhu69JAPYMgrW2pKzsR2MGBgE