Everybody Loves a Parade…



THIS SATURDAY, AUGUST 2  8AM  Roosevelt Park Pavilion  North Side, 8th Ave, at GREEN 46
Come walk with LAD, Boco Dems, congressional candidate (CD4) VIC MEYERS, and your State Rep. JONATHAN SINGER (HD11), THIS SATURDAY, AUG 2, at the Boulder County Fair Parade. Walk, ride on a float, carry signs and banners, wear candidate t-shirts, or a cowboy hat (if you have one!) and show Longmont that you’re a proud Democrat!There will be DONUTS! And for the FIRST SIX PEOPLE, FREE VIC MEYERS T-SHIRTS! 

Don’t be shy! People are still surprised there are Democrats in Longmont. But we know there are plenty, and our ballots are proof! PLUS, we’ve got great candidates that NEED OUR SUPPORT.

And it’s FUN! 

Kiwannis Rules have changed this year: YOU HAVE TO CHECK IN AT 8am (parade starts at 9:30am) to walk with fellow Dems. Go to GREEN 46 (that’s our place # in the parade) and check in. If you have questions before Saturday, please call Pat Davis at 303/772-8307(H) or 303/502-7868(C). If you get to Roosevelt Pavilion the day of the parade, and can’t find us, or they won’t let you in, mention GREEN 46 and call Pat on her cell. See you there Saturday morning!…AND THANKS FOR ALL THAT YOU DO!

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